Some may think that collectors are not interested in creating replicas. A handy utility for anyone still interested in disks Moreover, it provides a quick way to erase a rewritable disk so that you can add any other desired content on it. In addition, the program allows you to create audio disks that can be played on old devices and, perhaps, even an older car. The main functions of the tool include burning images as well as files and folders, but you can create images from the same data at the same time. Even if you didn’t, the developer provides detailed tutorials on how to use the tool on the main website. If you used burning software back in the 1990s, then the tool works in a similar way, so you will have no problem working with it. The tool comes with a retro interface that displays all the options available in the main window. Allows you to burn files, delete and copy disks

AnyBurn is a software suitable for all users that enables you to conveniently burn any type of disk, be it CD, DVD or BluRay.

While they aren’t the main choice, market reports show that there is still interest in the disk, especially among collectors.

Granted, with fast Internet available almost everywhere and numerous streaming services, you can say that nobody uses CDs or DVDs anymore.